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Tulsi Gabbard sends 'love and best wishes' to Rush Limbaugh …

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Tulsi Gabbard The key questions facing top Democrats in Iowa 2020 Dems celebrate Black History Month DNC drops donor requirement for debates, opening door for Bloomberg MORE (D-Hawaii) wished radio host Rush Limbaugh her “love and best wishes” after the right-wing commentator revealed his lung cancer diagnosis on Monday.

“To Rush Limbaugh: I and my family send our love and best wishes to you and your loved ones at this difficult moment in your life.

To Rush Limbaugh: I and my family send our love and best wishes to you and your loved ones at this difficult moment in your life.

— Tulsi Gabbard (@TulsiGabbard) February 4, 2020The tweet came hours after Limbaugh publicly revealed his diagnosis on his syndicated radio show and amid Gabbard’s participation in the Iowa caucuses Monday night, the first contest of the 2020 Democratic primary.

Most polls of the Democratic primary show Gabbard in the single digits in early primary states, including Iowa.