Wed. Jun 26th, 2024

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Matt Gaetz, Arrested For DUI, Attacks Hunter Biden Over Substance …

Gaetz, a proud Trump supporter who started the rumor that George Soros was funding migrant caravans and who frequently speaks of the “deep state,” used his time this afternoon to go on a rant about Hunter Biden’s substance abuse problems.

But, incredibly, Gaetz chose to do so despite the fact that he has his own history of…being arrested for driving under the influence.

Smelling alcohol, the officer asked Gaetz if he had been drinking, to which Gaetz said no, before admitting minutes later that he had, claiming it was only two beers.

The officer reportedly twice conducted an eye test, which Gaetz failed.

Despite the fact that Florida law dictates his license should have been revoked for at least a year for refusing the breath test, Gaetz somehow got to keep his.